
Showing posts from April, 2022

Context Matters!

When we interpret Scripture the most important thing to remember is the context! Often times we pull verses of Scripture out of the Bible and use them apart from their intended meaning, this usually isn’t intentional, it’s just the way we've learned to read the Bible. Ignorance of this is no excuse for poor Biblical Exegesis, as students of the Word, it is our responsibility to ensure that we are handling the Scriptures correctly. One mistake we often make is thinking that the Scriptures are about us.   This sounds silly because it was written so long ago but how often have you seen someone insert themselves, their generation, or the current social climate back into the text as if it was written specifically for that reason? While there are certain things in Scripture that will help us address current issues we must remember that while the Bible was written FOR us, it was not written TO us. That is a big distinction! I’d like to give you a pretty important example of this approach....